My thoughts, opinions and content that help you deliver faster, with less risk and having more fun. I post content on multiple sites, this is a syndication of that content.Big Book of AgileData Ways of Working
I am focussing my writing time on creating the “Big book of AgileData Ways of Working”
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Gartner (meta) BI Definitions – Definitions about Definitions
When reading the latest 2013 Gartner BI and Analytics Magic Quadrant I noticed that they have included some definitions of the various capabilities in each of the BI categories. I wil no doubt end up cutting and pasting them into a few BI Strategy documents this...
Gartner Magic Quadrant Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms 2013
Gartner released their latest Magic Quadrant for BI last month. My thoughts as I when reading through the document: Microsoft has shot right up and given the massive disparity in pricing between them and the old Mega BI Vendors club (Oracle, IBM, SAS, SAP) and the...
Innovation Innovation where for art thou
I was sitting at the SUNZ conference last week listening to Evan Stubbs talk about Innovation and Analytics and how over the next 3-5 years there will be a marked shortage in Analytical bods, as the demand for these skills will far outweigh the supply. One of the examples of Innovation Evan gave was that old favourite […]
Meetings, Meetings, Meetings and not an outcome to drink
It would be fair to say that when working with customers defining or implementing BI strategies or architectures, I spend a bit of time in meetings with them. Meetings are always booked for at least an hour often two. (as compared to workshops that are normally 1/2 a...
Apple Retail Stores are a competitive advantage, goes against conventional wisdom or does it?
Interesting article on how Apple are closing down 20 retail stores so they can move them to alternative locations that allow them to be bigger: Interesting as of course the conventional wisdom for retailers for the last few years has been to from “bricks and mortar” to an eChannel strategy. However there has been a lot of noise around people […]
What motivates the team behind a company
I have worked for enough "big" companies that pay lip service to motivation, especially when it comes to renumeration. As part of the sales team for these organisations it was often a see saw between a big carrot and an even bigger stick (especially at fiscal year...
Articles on Setting up CDC for SSIS 2012
I am doing some work at the moment working out options to enable Change Data Capture (CDC) within Microsoft SQL Server 2012. As always there are a number of blogs, articles etc on the web that give you a head start. As I find the ones that are useful I will add them...
Using the Art of Visualisation to tell a story
This is a great example of using visualisation to tell a story by Hans Rosling's. Its from the The Joy of Stats which was a show on BBC Four it seems, wonder if it was ever on NZ TV?
Do you want to be a Data Scientist?
So if you had a choice between being a Data Scientist: or another visualisation of the term based on somebody who goes out and explores the unknown (and while maybe a little unconventional, is still well qualified and effective ): So which one would you be? And what...
Some things are just so ……
Cool! A Kathryn Masterpiece
The 3 W’s of Project Success
My role at OptimalBI has three areas I concentrate on: Solution Delivery As the founder and part owner of OptimalBI, when I make a promise to a customer on what we will do to add value to their business, I am ultimately responsible for making sure we deliver (of...
Cool Visualisation – WebGL – Book Shelf
I have been doing some research on cool and advanced ways of visualising large volumes of data and content. Stumbled across a Technology called WebGL and a few interesting examples. Check out: Once you have finished...