My thoughts, opinions and content that help you deliver faster, with less risk and having more fun. I post content on multiple sites, this is a syndication of that content.Big Book of AgileData Ways of Working
I am focussing my writing time on creating the “Big book of AgileData Ways of Working”
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Execution is more important than the idea
I am obsessed with the idea of visualising Metadata. But more on that later.... Reading this article prompted some thoughts.... I often talk to people about cool or Innovative business ideas they (or myself) have had. Everynow and again I meet somebody who mentions...
Simplicity = Change and Focus, My favs to follow at the moment
Steve Jobs always displayed the essence of simplicity in everything he did. Sometimes he took it a little to far, for example when it came to furnishing his house. There are 3 people I blog stalk at the moment, that take the status quo, and via a combination of...
BI 2.0 Series – iBI where are you?
The world of computing for consumers has changed markedly over the last couple of years. We now google rather than search, we Facebook rather than face to face, and we constantly eye devices that begin with the letter i. But in the world of Business Intelligence I...
Gartner BI Platform Magic Quadrant for 2012
Gartner have just released their 2012 Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence Platforms.
MobileBI Vendors
As we are researching our go to market for MobileBI in New Zealand, we are looking at all the product offerings available globally out there at the moment. So far we have found: EQ-technologies IBM Cognos Klipfolio MicroStrategy Oracle MobileBI PushBI QlikView...
Doco on Goldengate / Oracle Data Integrator integration
Looking for info on how to utilise Oracle Golden Gate and ODI together. Official doco is here: This chapter describes how to work with Oracle GoldenGate in order to capture changes on source...
Sorting out SAS Addin and Pivot training for new users
Currently sorting out a resource to create training material for new users. A lot of the clients users are unfamiliar with both Excel and the EDW Content, not to mention SAS. So we are aiming for a simple user guide that shows users how to access Information Maps via...
Moving SAS Servers
Moving the SAS 9.2 environment from the old SAN based server to a new server with a dedicated disk array, to resolve some I/O issues under high load. Will be using shadow copy to automate the move across machines as it manages the swap out of drivers etc for the new...
BI/DW Architecture
Currently working on a developing a BI/DW technical architecture to define how we will manage an environment with multiple ETL and Reporting tools. Will feed into the Enterprise Information Management and Reporting Strategy we are working on.
Configuring SAS ROLAP – Solving Excel Pivot Size Issues
Had some issues with users using the SAS Addin for Microsoft Office against Info Maps where the size of the Excel file gets massive when you save it. It seems Excel must be caching the data somewhere. We are working on configuring SAS OLAP cubes in ROLAP mode as this...
Re-branding the Portal Theme
We are re-branding the project after the successful completion of decommissioning the old Data Warehouse environment at the end of the month. So we are currently changing the SAS Portal theme to match the new brand.
SAS 9.2 not supported on Windows 2008 R2 – yet!
Just found out Windows 2008 R2 is not currently supported for SAS 9.2, but it seems to work on the test install I did.