Shane writes an AgileBI series called “3 AgileBI Things” published on LinkedIN Pulse. This article below is a copy of “3. AgileBI Things – 2016-10-24“. Shane also writes on AgileBI concepts at AgileBI Guru.
1. AgileBI overview
It’s always great to find other BI practitioners who have a similar view and set of experiences to me.
Great document with a short overview of her experience on AgileBI from Wendy Gilbert at ANZ.
2. Software Testing Fundamentals
Looks like we are going to have to do the hard yards on automated testing in the DW space, as it seems to be a roll your own paradigm at the moment.
Great presso from Micheal Kelly on some things to think about, while not BI specific useful all the same.
3. DW Automation
I tend to have a different opinion to what DW Automation is all about compared to the majority of the DW Automation tool vendors.
But I found this a great article on the subject.
About Shane
When the team have time I am nagging them to add new cool features to ODE, our open source data vault automation engine at ode.ninja.
Most of my time is actually spent teaching and coaching customers how to deliver using AgileBI as part of the Optimal Orange team.
We run regular Agile courses with a business intelligence slant in both Wellington and Auckland, you can learn more about these here.
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