Shane writes an AgileBI series called “3 AgileBI Things” published on LinkedIN Pulse. This article below is a copy of “3. AgileBI Things – 2016-11-28“. Shane also writes on AgileBI concepts at AgileBI Guru.
1. Data Vault Overview
If you haven’t worked out by now that I’m sold on the Data Vault modelling concept as a core part of your modern data warehouse architecture, then you obviously haven’t been reading along with me for long.
A gentleman by the name of Roleant Vos is based in Australia and a bit of a guru in this area. He has just written a great article that gives you an overview of the Data Vault, one of the best I have read.
2. Data Lakes as a Persistent Staging
The hype over Big Data and Data Lakes is still going on (no surprise there). And it looks like some of the rigour we have had in the “legacy” data warehousing world is finally starting to surface in this new paradigm.
While I believe there are slightly better ways of laying out your logical data warehouse than described in the following article (which I will blog about later when I make time), I still found this article interesting none the less.
3. Demo / Prove It
I find the term Demo Day often sets the wrong expectation for the business users who attend, as in most AgileBI sprints we spend a lot of time on boring things like working with data and code (as well as producing cool visualisations).
So these days I tend to use the term “Prove It” days, to make the focus the fact that the team will be proving what they have delivered in the last 3 weeks, some of which will be visualisation and reporting content, but a lot which won’t.
Good article by Andy Crief on this subject here.
About Shane
When the team have time I am nagging them to add new cool features to ODE, our open source data vault automation engine at ode.ninja.
Most of my time is actually spent teaching and coaching customers how to deliver using AgileBI as part of the Optimal Orange team.
We run regular Agile courses with a business intelligence slant in both Wellington and Auckland, you can learn more about these here.
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