Source: Pixabay
Shane writes an AgileBI series called “3 AgileBI Things” published on LinkedIN Pulse. This article below is a copy of “3. AgileBI Things – 2016-12-06“. Shane also writes on AgileBI concepts at AgileBI Guru.
1. Enterprise Data ‘Vault’ Warehouse
Great article here from Talend which does a good job of explaining Row, Columnar, NoSQL and File System based databases and when you should use them with a little Data Vault thrown in.
2. Agility, Agility, Agility
When I learn about AgileBI I am always thinking am I learning a new Concept, a new Process, a new Template or a new way of automation. When I teach about AgileBI I teach about Agile Team, Agile Disciplines and AgileBI Processes.
Evan Leybourn has written a short but great article that outlines Technical Agility, Process Agility and Business Agility.
3. Who can be a scrum master?
Scrum masters seem to be one of those roles where everybody thinks they can do it or have done it, all without formal training. Not a concept I agree with.
Often it is a BA or a Project Manager who gets dropped into the role in their “Spare Time”. Good article on can a BA be a Scrum Master:
About Shane
When the team have time I am nagging them to add new cool features to ODE, our open source data vault automation engine at ode.ninja.
Most of my time is actually spent teaching and coaching customers how to deliver using AgileBI as part of the Optimal Orange team.
We run regular Agile courses with a business intelligence slant in both Wellington and Auckland, you can learn more about these here.
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